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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:灵鹊做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/12 13:21:44
在网上看了许多例句,we are best 还是we are the best这两句我在网上看到的,有的加the 有的没...比如说 XXX is best girl 前面加the
The 是定冠词,表示特指.特定的.
以上的we are best 和we are the best都是对的.
而 XXX is best girl 前面不用加the,应该+不定冠词 a .
I have returned the book.我已将书还了.Shut the door, please.请把门关上.How do you like the novel?你觉得那本小说怎样?Have you passed the exam?你考试通过了吗?
[指就近的事,表示“当前的”]the Beijing of today今天的北京the best song of the week本周最佳歌曲the hit of the week本周最轰动的消息(或最卖座的影片)
[表示世界上独一无二的东西]:The sun is down.太阳落山了.the moon月亮the earth地球the universe宇宙the atmosphere大气层
[用在表示自然现象的名词前]:the night夜晚the day白天The wind died away.风逐渐停了.The clouds darkened the sky.乌云遮暗天空.The rain began to fall.开始下雨了.
[表示提到过的人的身体的一部分或衣着]:I took her by the hand.我牵住她的手.He was wounded in the leg.他腿部受了伤.She looked me in the face.她瞧着我的脸.My friend patted me on the shoulder.我朋友拍拍我的肩膀.
[口语][用于表示全家人中的一些人]:the husband丈夫the wife妻子the kid sister小妹妹[用于姓的复数前,表示一家人]:The Browns went to the cinema yesterday.布朗一家人昨天去看电影了.The Yangs were out for a holiday.杨家外出度假了.the Simpsons辛普森一家
[与可数名词单数连用表示一类人或物]:You should learn to use the computer.你应该学会使用电脑.The cow is a domestic animal.奶牛是家畜.The horse is useful to man.马对人类有用.The whale is a mammal.鲸鱼是哺乳动物.
[用于形容词前构成名词,表示一类人]:the rich and the poor富人与穷人the wounded受伤者the good好人the beautiful美人the true真诚的人[用在表示民族、阶级、阶层、集团、党派前,表示一个整体]:the Chinese (people)中国人(民)the working class工人阶级the aristocracy贵族the intelligentsia知识分子
[用于被后置限制性定语修饰的名词前]:the man who answered回答的人the pen you lost你丢的钢笔the photo in her hand她手中的照片Do you know the man who spoke just now?你认识刚才发言的人吗?The magazine she gave me is Reader's Digest.她给我的杂志是《读者文摘》.
[用于普通名词等构成的国名或复数形式的国家、地区名称前]:the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国the United States of America美利坚合众国the Argentine阿根廷
[用于形容词最高级前]:Autumn is the best season in Beijing.秋天是北京最好的季节.He is the eldest among the 3 brothers.他是三兄弟中最年长的.
[用于形容词比较级前,表示两者间“较…的一个”]:She is the cleverer of the two.她是两人中较聪明的一个.He is the stronger of the 2 brothers.他是两兄弟中比较强壮的一个.
[用于形容词、副词比较级前]更;到相应程度:I like a man none the worse for being outspoken.我并不因为一个人直言不讳而改变我对他的好感.I like him all the better for his criticism.他提出了批评,我反而更喜欢他了.
[用于形容词、副词比较级前,the…,the…]越…越…:The sooner,the better.越快越好.The more the merrier.人越多越热闹.
[用于副词最高级前,但常可省略]:He came (the) earliest of all.他来得最早.