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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:灵鹊做题网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 02:40:05
中国物流业的起步较晚,绿色物流还刚刚兴起,人们对它的认识还非常有限,在绿色物流的服务水平和研究方面还处于起步阶段,与国际上先进技术国家在绿色物流的观念上、政策上以及技术上均存在较大的差距,主要表现在: 1.观念上的差距 一方面,中国领导和政府的观念仍未转变,绿色物流的思想还没确立.部分政府领导对物流的推进尚且放任自流,更何况面向的是更进一步的绿色物流?仅有物流的思想而没有绿色化的概念,还缺乏发展的前瞻性,与时代的步伐存在差距.另一方面,经营者和消费者对域外物流绿色经营消费理念仍非常淡薄,绿色物流的思想几乎为零.经营者展现给我们的是绿色产品、绿色标志、绿色营销和绿色服务,消费者追求的是绿色消费、绿色享用和绿色保障,而其中的绿色通道——物流环节,谁也未有足够的重视和关心.因此在发展物流的同时,要尽快提高认识,更新思想,把绿色物流作为世界全方位绿色革命的重要组成部分,确认和面向绿色物流的未来. 2.政策性的差距 绿色物流是当今经济可持续发展的一个重要组成部分,它对社会经济的不断发展和人类生活质量的不断提高具有重要的意义.正因为如此,绿色物流的实施不仅是企业的事情,而且还必须从政府约束的角度,对现有的物流体制强化管理,构筑绿色物流建立与发展的框架,做好绿色物流的政策性建设.一些发达国家的政府在绿色物流的政策性引导上,制订了诸如控制污染发生源,限制交通量和控制交通流的相关政策和法规,而且还从物流业发展的合理布局上为物流的绿色化铺平道路.如日本在1966年就制订了《流通业务城市街道整备法》,以提高大城市的流通机能,增强城市物流的绿色化功能.尽管我国自20世纪90年代以来,也一直在致力于环境污染方面的政策和法规的制订和颁布,但针对物流行业的还不是很多.另外,由于物流涉及的有关行业、部门、系统过多,而这些部门又都自成体系,独立运作,各做各的规划,各搞各的设计,各建各的物流基地或中心,导致物流行业的无序发展,造成资源配置的巨大浪费,也为以后物流运作上的环保问题增加了过多的负担.因此,打破地区、部门和行业的局限,按照大流通、绿色化的思路来进行全国的物流规划整体设计,是我国发展物流在政策性问题上必须正视的大事情. 3.技术上的差距 绿色物流的关键所在,不仅依赖物流绿色思想的建立,物流政策的制订和遵循,更离不开绿色技术的掌握和应用.而我们的物流技术和绿色要求有较大的差距.如中国的物流业还没有什么规模,基本上是各自为政,没有很好的规划,存在物流行业内部的无序发展和无序竞争状态,对环保造成很大的压力;在机械化方面,物流机械化的程度和先进性与绿色物流要求还有距离;物流材料的使用上,与绿色物流倡导的可重用性、可降解性也存在巨大的差距;另外,在物流的自动化、信息化和网络化环节上,绿色物流更是无从谈起. 由此可见,中国的绿色物流与发达国家尚有较大差距,物流绿色化对我们来说,还有相当漫长的一段路途.如今世界上的一些大的物流公司进入中国,跨国物流企业纷纷抢滩中国市场.由于中国经济已经成为全球经济的一部分,故必须要加快物流的绿色化建设,物流企业必须加快调整和整合,如若不然,就会失去竞争力,一旦国外在物流业的绿色化上设置准入壁垒,我国稚嫩的物流业就将遭受巨大打击.可以说,发展绿色物流是参与全球物流业竞争的重要基础. 因此,大力加强对物流绿色化的政策和理论体系的建立和完善,对物流系统目标、物流设施设备和物流活动组织等进行改进与调整,实现物流系统的整体最优化和对环境的最低损害,将有利于中国国物流管理水平的提高,保护环境和可持续发展政策,对于我国经济的发展意义重大.
The development of green logistics in China
China logistics startting evening, green logistics has just started, it is very limited, in green logistics service levels and research is still in the initial stage, with the international advanced technology in green logistics concepts, policy and technology are substantial gap, mainly displays in: 1. The gap on the idea, on the other hand, China's leaders and the government's idea is still not change, green logistics thoughts hasn't established. Part of logistics of government, even if the unwinding of green logistics is further? Only the thought without green logistics development, and also the concept of the prospective, with the pace of The Times. On the other hand, operators and consumers for extraterritorial logistics management is very green consumption idea, green logistics thoughts is almost zero. Operator to be green products, green marks, green marketing and service, consumer pursuit of green green consumption and green is enjoyed and green security, and one green channel - who also have no, logistics links enough attention and care. Therefore in the development of logistics, to improve the ideological understanding, update, green logistics for the all-round is an important part of the green revolution, and the future of green logistics. 2 the gap of green logistics policy is the sustainable development of economy, it is an important part of social and economic development and improve the quality of human life has an important significance. Because of this, the implementation of green logistics enterprises is not only the thing, but also from the government to the constraints of the existing logistics system, strengthening the management of green logistics for the establishment and development of green logistics, the frame construction of policy. Some developed countries in the government of green logistics, formulate the policy guidance as to control pollution sources and limits of traffic flow and control of traffic flow related policies and regulations, but also from the development of the logistics industry in the reasonable layout of green logistics for paving. If Japan in 1966 the welfare-oriented urban streets circulation service, in order to improve the law of large circulation function, strengthen urban ecological functions of logistics. Although our country since 1990's, has been committed to environmental pollution of the policies and regulations promulgated according to formulate and logistics industry, but not many. In addition, due to the logistics industry and related departments, system, and these departments and excessive self-sustaining, are independent operation, offices, make the planning design of the building, the logistics base or center, cause the disorder of logistics industry development, the huge waste of resources allocation, as well as on the logistics operation after the environmental problems of excessive increase burden. Therefore, break regions, departments and trades, according to a great circulation, greening ideas to the overall design of the logistics planning in China, is the development of logistics in policy issues must face up to the big things. 3 the gap on the technology of green logistics key, not only depends on the establishment of green logistics thoughts, logistics policy formulation and follow, more from green techniques and applications. But our logistics technology and green requires great gap. As China's logistics is no scale, basically is fragmented, no good plan, the development of logistics industry and the internal disorder competition for environmental protection, causing tremendous pressure, In mechanization degree of mechanization, logistics and advanced and green logistics requirements and distance, The use of material, logistics and green logistics advocate the reusability and biodegradable also exist great gap, In addition, in the logistics automation, information and network links, green logistics is mentioned. Thus, China's green logistics and developed countries has a large gap, green logistics for us, and quite a long way. Now some of the world's large logistics companies in China, international logistics enterprises subordinate to China market. Because of China's economy has become a part of the global economy, it must accelerate the construction of green logistics, logistics enterprises must speed up the adjustment and integration, otherwise, it will lose competence, once in the logistics industry in green barriers to entry, our puerile logistics will suffer heavy blow. Can say, the development of green logistics is the important foundation of global logistics competition. Therefore, vigorously strengthen the policy of green logistics theory and to establish and perfect the system of logistics system, target, logistics facilities and logistics activity organization, develop and adjust the whole logistics system of environmental optimization and minimum damage, will benefit China logistics management level, environmental protection and sustainable development policy, for the economic development of our country is of great significance.
1 对发生源的管理 主要是对物流过程中产生环境问题的来源进行管理.由于物流活动的日益增加以及配送服务的发展,引起在途运输的车辆增加,必然导致大汽污染加重.可以采取以下措施对发生源进行控制:制定相应的环境法规,对废气排放量及车种进行限制;采取措施促进使用符合限制条件的车辆;普及使用低公害车辆;对车辆产生的噪音进行限制.我国自90年代末开始不断强化对污染源的控制,如北京市为治理大气污染发布两阶段治理目标,不仅对新生产的车辆制定了严格的排污标准,而且对在用车辆进行治理改造,在鼓励提高更新车辆的同时,采取限制行驶路线、增加车辆检测频次、按排污量收取排污费等措施,经过治理的车辆,污染物排放量大为降低. 2 对交通量的管理 发挥政府的指导作用,推动企业从自用车运输向营业用货车运输转化;促进企业选择合理的运输方式,发展共同配送;政府统筹物流中心的建设;建设现代化的物流管理信息网络等,从而最终实现物流效益化,特别是要提高中小企业的物流效率. 3 对交通流的管理 政府投入相应的资金,建立都市中心部环状道路,制定有关道路停车管理规定;采取措施实现交通管制系统的现代化;开展道路与铁路的立体交叉发展.以减少交通堵塞,提高配送的效率,达到环保的目的. 推进绿色物流除了加强政府管理外,还应重视民间绿色物流的倡导,加强企业的绿色经营意识,发挥企业在环境保护方面的作用,从而形成一种自律型的物流管理体系.
Our government's green logistics management measures
One of the main sources of logistics management is the process of environmental problem. The source Because of the growing logistics activity and distribution services, the development of transportation vehicles increased by transit, will inevitably lead to large steam pollution. Can take the following measures to control: the origin of the environmental laws and regulations, formulate corresponding to limit emissions and portable, Adopt measure to promote the use of vehicles, Universal use low pollution vehicles, The noise of traffic restrictions. Since the late 1990s began in the control of pollution continuously strengthened, such as Beijing to control air pollution released two stage management goal, not only for the new production of vehicle emission standards formulated strict, and treatment of heavy-duty truck modification, encourage update, take the vehicle route, increase traffic limit detection frequency, according to waste collection, management fee of measures such as vehicle emissions, greatly reduced. 2 for traffic management of government guidance, promote enterprise from the car transport to business with trucking transformation, The rational choice to promote enterprise development mode of transportation, joint distribution, The government as a whole logistics center construction, Construction of modern logistics management information network, thus eventually, especially to improve logistics efficiently the logistics efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises. 3 for traffic flow of management of government investment funds, establish corresponding ring road, the urban center department formulate relevant regulations; the road parking management, Take measures to realize modernization of traffic control system, In the road and rail interchanges development. In order to reduce traffic congestion, improve the efficiency of distribution, the purpose of environmental protection. In addition to enhance the government to promote green logistics management, attention should also be paid to the folk of green logistics enterprises, strengthen the advocate green management, enterprise in environmental protection function, thus forming a kind of logistics management system of self-discipline.
Actively participate in ISO14000 environmental management system certification
Positive for ISO14000 environmental management system certification. ISO14000 focused on an organization's activities, products or services on the environmental impact of product design, processing, packing, in storage, transportation, sale and after spending and abandoned, recycling, accord with environmental regeneration etc. Facing the world based on the green revolution wave and environmental standards and formation of competition, the green barriers in logistics operators shall actively create conditions for ISO14000 environmental management system certification, and with international standard standard to regulate their own behavior, the shape of green logistics logistics, and enhance image in the international market competition ability. In the domestic first started ISO14000 environmental management system certification standard is the third party logistics enterprise of guangzhou new bond logistics Co., LTD., as one of our 4A logistics enterprises, advocating green logistics process of a certain effect.
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