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英语周报2013到2014高二外研Book6 model2答案

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英语周报2013到2014高二外研Book6 model2答案
英语周报2013到2014高二外研Book6 model2答案
Book 6 Module 2 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 CABCB 6-10 ACABA
11-15 CBBCC 16-20 ABCBC
21-25 BADCB 26-30 CBACB
31-35 DDACA 36-40 ACADB
41-45 BCADD 46-50 CBDAD
51-55 CBABC 56-60 ACBCC
61-65 BBDAC 66-70 BBDCC
71-75 DCGEB
76. To set a clear goal.
77. Because they live their lives without goals.
78. Because the author had read many articles about air crashes.
79. To show that air travel is safer than highway travel.
80. By visualizing himself / herself accomplishing is / her goal.
81. ... we visit a farm. visit → visited
82. ... went to there ... 去掉to
83. The farm worker ... worker → workers
84. ... a warmly welcome. warmly → warm
85. ... showed them around. them → us
86.What glad we ... What → How
87. ... crops or vegetables ... or → and
88. ... had picnic lunch ... picnic前加a
89. ... and told jokes ... told → telling
90. Until we knew it ... Until → Before
One possible version:
Snow White is one of the most popular fairy tales in the world. It was written by the Brothers Grimm.
The plot of the story goes like this: Having been badly treated for long by her stepmother, a jealous queen, Snow White left the palace. With the seven dwarfs’ help, she escaped two attempted murders from her stepmother. In the end, she married the kind-hearted prince and they lived happily ever after.
I like Snow White very much because it tells us a very beautiful story. More importantly, it sings the praises of the true, the good and the beautiful and criticises the false, the bad and the ugly.
21. B.由I was a little puzzled at first, but now I get it 可知,See what I mean(明白我的意思吗)符合题意.
22. A.play an important part in 在……中发挥重要作用;impression 为可数名词,且在句中表泛指,故第二空用a.
23. D.fix one’s eyes on 是固定短语,意为“注视”,在此主语eyes 与fix on 之间为被动关系,故用fixed on.
24. C.空格处引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子,故用which.
25. B.题意:不管你的进步多么缓慢,你已经领先于(ahead of)那些不努力的人了.
26. C.由once she was determined to do something, no one could change her mind 可知,玛丽亚固执的(stubborn)的态度是她的缺点.
27. B.I won’t worry 是give me a call as soon as you arrive的目的,故用so that.
28. A.由A man who is healthy can enjoy the pleasure of life 可知,“健康是一个人可以拥有(possess)的最好的东西”.
29. C.encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事;work 表示的动作未发生,故在此用不定式的一般式.
30. B.题意:中国目前煤炭消耗量占全球的47%,大约(roughly)相当于其它国家使用量的总和.
31. D.本句使用了强调句型It is ... that ...,强调时间状语only when you have lost something.
32. D.题意:毫无疑问,头发长达一米七的李梦露,一定留头发好多年了.There is no doubt that ... 毫无疑问…….
33. A.由it’s too dangerous 可知,答话人同意对方观点,故选couldn’t.I couldn’t agree more意为“我非常同意”.
34. C.由why not write your homework right now 可知“作业还没写”,且You 与punish之间为被动关系,故用一般将来时的被动语态.
35. A.句子主语Huang Qishan 与wave 之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且wave 所表示的动作与句子谓语stood 同时发生,故用其动词-ing形式的一般式作状语.
36. A.由下文作者向她朋友的母亲寄贺卡的行为可知,作者在找不同的方式做一些“善(kindness)”事.
37. C.由下文during treatment 可知,此处是说作者的朋友与她的母亲“住(living)”在一起.
38. A.由下文the card I sent 可知,作者决定向素未谋面的朋友母亲“寄(send)”贺卡.
39. D.由下文to thank her for raising such a wonderful person 可知,作者寄的是一张“感谢(Thank You)”卡.
40. B.41. B.42. C.由上文thank 及a wonderful person 可知,作者“告诉(told)”她朋友的母亲她的女儿是个很好的倾听者,可以“分担(share)”作者的烦恼,并能让作者“发笑(laugh)”,感到快乐.
43. A.44. D.作者给朋友的母亲寄贺卡后感到有些“不安(uneasy)”,想知道她的朋友“是否(if)”感到很奇怪.45. D.由下文The text lit up my whole day 可知,作者收到朋友的“短信(text)”.
46. C.作者给朋友母亲寄贺卡,所以这张贺卡是她朋友所“读过(read)”的最美好的东西之一.
47. B.由lucky 可知,作者的朋友为“拥有(have)”作者这样一个朋友而感到很幸运.
48. D.朋友发来的短信让作者觉得很“高兴(glad)”仅凭直觉赠送了贺卡.
49. A.上文Mom and daughter could have a good laugh at my craziness 与下文so what 为转折关系,故用but.
50. D.由上文my friend would think it strange可知.
51. C.由上文talked about可知.
52. B.由下文的they enjoyed sharing the kind words 可知作者很“幸运(lucky)”,事情没有发展到最坏的结果,而是相反.
53. A.作者寄贺卡是因为她觉得有朝一日自己收到同样的贺卡时会很“ 高兴(pleasant)”.
54. B.由下文的my child可知.
55. C.由上文的for raising such a wonderful person 可知.
56. A.推理判断题.根据第一段的I was afraid that my classmates would make fun of the way I read and mispronounced words 可知,作者当时担心朗读时会遭到同学们的嘲笑.故可推断她在朗读方面缺乏信心.
57. C.推理判断题.根据第三段的Mrs. Wilson told me that the glasses looked nice on me and that beauty comes from within a person 可知,Wilson 老师给作者讲她小时候佩戴牙箍的事情,目的是鼓励作者佩戴眼镜,不要考虑外在的影响.
58. B.推理判断题.根据最后一段可知,和Wilson 老师一样,作者也成为了老师,而且也十分关心学生的视力情况.由此可推断她深受Wilson老师的影响.
59. C.标题归纳题.Wilson 老师的关心和鼓励使得作者有勇气戴上眼镜,而且作者当老师后也非常关心学生的视力,故那副粉红色的眼镜就是将师生二人联系在一起的纽带,是文章的主线.
60. C.细节理解题.根据第三段中的where the guests can see the penguins up close and hear them. In the old exhibit you were separated by glass ...可知,这次展览采用了一种全新的方式.
61. B.细节理解题.根据第五段中的vet check 和restaurant-quality 可知,企鹅在这里受到了很好的照顾.
62. B.细节理解题.根据第九段中的the fish that normally live in that cold water don't survive, or they move on, but the penguins really want that cold 及they really have no place to go since that's the coldest place on Earth可知.
本文是说明文.文章介绍了由“哈利·波特” 女星艾玛·沃森(Emma Watson)主演,索菲亚·科波拉(Sofia Coppola)根据真实事件编导的新片《珠光宝气》(The Bling Ring).
63. D.细节理解题.根据第一段的She stars in Sofia Coppola's latest work, The Bling Ring可知.
64. A.细节理解题.根据第二段的but obviously it's still very present, being played in people's living rooms 可知,尽管哈利·波特是在几年前拍摄的,但现在还有很多人看,说明它现在还很流行.
65. C.细节理解题.根据第三段的who stole luxury goods from the houses of the rich and famous in order to copy their lifestyles 及They wanted to pretend for two hours that they were Paris Hilton and to live that lifestyle for real 可知,这些年轻人偷富人或名人的物品是因为他们想体验一下他们的生活方式.
66. B.写作目的题.文章介绍了电影The Bling Ring的主演、剧情等.
本文是记叙文.文章主要介绍了Elizabeth Bishop 的生平及她的诗歌.
67. B.细节理解题.根据第二段可知,Bishop的童年很不幸,故选B项.
68. D.细节理解题.根据第三段的Simple family life ... only an observer of these 可 知,Bishop 在Filling-Station 一诗中流露出对普通家庭幸福的渴望,故选D项.
69. C.推理判断题.根据最后一段的It is believed that Bishop is a complex poet who uses her poetry to find this feeling of belonging 可知,Bishop 在其诗中表露出她在寻求归属感.
70. C.推理判断题.根据文章首句可知,Bishop 很有才华;从第二段可知她很悲观.
参考答案1-5 BCACB 6-10 DBABC
1. B.细节理解题.由庆典的举办地点、参会人员等可知,这是教师界的一大盛事.
2. C.细节理解题.根据第三段中的Over the past 11 years ... one of the best in the country可知.
3. A.细节理解题.根据第四段中的greatest achievements 和when a student realizes that he or she has an unlimited potential 可知,他很看重开发学生的潜能.
4. C.推理判断题.根据第六段中的She says this has helped her work with students who have similar problems at home 及第七段中的These relationships are especially important to at-risk students可知.
5. B.推理判断题.由第五段的the important role 和末段的praised all her guests 和wonderful可知.
6. D.细节理解题.由第一、二段可知,本该是竞争者的动物竟成为了朋友,比较特别.
7. B.段落大意题.本段主要介绍了五只小动物的个性,关键词有shy,naughty,noisy等.
8. A.细节理解题.根据第四段中的as soon as the animals turn into dangerous predators, they will be given their own living places 可知.
9. B.推理判断题.根据第四段中的because none of them would have been able to survive alone in the wild可知.
10. C.标题归纳题.由文中出现的friends,special 及五只动物之间的关系可知,C项作标题较贴切.